Articles from Housing Today USA
Fanning the Flames of the Housing Crisis: How Insurance Companies Left Thousands in LA to Suffer Alone
Update on the Struggle of the People of Li’l Abner Against CREI Holdings
Move the Money: American Peace Information Center (APIC) – Peoples Housing Council (PHC) Joint Statement
President Sheinbaum To Build 1 Million Social Housing Units in Mexico
Residents of Li’l Abner Community Continue to Struggle Despite Repression
Peoples LGBT+ United Society: LGBT+ Housing Discrimination Hurts All
Our Mission
The Peoples Housing Council (PHC) aims to provide federally funded, decent housing to all working people.
The blame for homelessness must be placed at the door of the for-profit housing system that creates homelessness. PHC recognizes that the present economic system is constantly moving towards fewer people making higher profits at the expense of the majority.
We see the connection between the increased, bloated military budget and the lack of affordable housing. We seek to move funding from endless wars of devastation to provide housing.
The United States of America was built on the principle that all people have “… certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” But this contradicts the present situation where hundreds of thousands are without housing and millions more are at risk of becoming houseless.
We affirm that housing and employment are directly connected. Real estate industry is concentrated in just a few hands. We want to see an America where there is no homelessness. In order to achieve this, the people must come together and demand a policy for safe, affordable, accessible homes and steady, fair employment.